
Reprod By :- D-Streak

Juice WRLD
Produced by Nick Mira
Album Death Race for Love

“Robbery” is a somber “let go” song, which is told through themes of love and heartbreak. Juice WRLD displays his emotions and how he feels when he was robbed of his ability to love after the breakup with his girlfriend.

Throughout the song, he tries to entice his girlfriend into loving him through expensive watches, and designer clothing, turning the relationship into a toxic, alcoholic mess. He stresses that his ex-lover put him into a state of insanity and he doesn’t want her to leave once he has run from her love.

This is the lead single to Juice WRLD’s sophomore album Death Race for Love. The track was originally leaked in early 2018 in a mass leak of Juice WRLD’s music. The song’s final mix was released on February 13, 2019, and was followed by its music video on the next day, Valentine’s Day.

How did this song perform on the Billboard charts?
During the week ending March 2, 2019, “Robbery” debuted and peaked at #27 on the Hot 100.
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